Kin Canada
Founded by Hal Rogers on Feb. 20, 1920, Kin Canada is the nation’s largest all-Canadian service club organization with over 6,800 members. More than 500 Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs across the country work to better their communities, enhance the well-being of Canadians and improve the environment. The Association boasts a proud history dedicated to fostering life-long friendships while ?Serving the Community?s Greatest Need.? Since its founding, Kin, Kinsmen and Kinette clubs across Canada have contributed more than $1 billion to Canadian communities and disaster relief programs beyond our borders.
The Lethbridge Kinsmen Club was chartered in 1928 and is a diverse group of men from all ages and backgrounds. We have enjoyed fantastic support from the community that has allowed us to put over $50,000 back into the community in the past year alone. With our club growing we have ambitions of doing much, much more! Through various fund-raising activities through the year we are able to provide funds directly to charities that enable us to serve the community?s greatest need. See the lists below for details on the fund-raising events we run and causes that we donate to.
If you would like more information on becoming a kinsmen please contact Carson Zabolotney at
Lethbridge Kinsmen
Causes We?ve Supported
- Lethbridge YWCA Harbor House
- Lethbridge Scouts
- Cystic Fibrosis Canada
- Southern Alberta Sports Hall Of Fame
- YQL Shoes for Kids
- Ready Set Go Program
- Lethbridge Food Bank
Lethbridge Regional Hospital
Streets Alive Mission
5th on 5th
Interfaith Food Bank
Leader In Me Program
Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association
Lethbridge Family Centre
- Youth One
City of Lethbridge / Coulee clean up
- Canadian Blood Services
- Woods Homes
- Hal Rogers Endowment Fund
- Kinette Club of Lethbridge