Leader in Me Program

The Lethbridge Kinsmen are proud to support the Leader in Me Program at Nicholas Sheran School

13092177_1161045257262465_6910819187951047459_nThe Lethbridge Kinsmen and The Leader in Me

A Simple Beginning

When Derek Hoare, a teacher in an elementary school in Lethbridge, AB, first approached the Lethbridge Kinsmen in 2013 looking for help to implement The Leader in Me program in his school, the club was naturally skeptical. They wondered how a non-curricular program could be effective, and why should it need out-of-school funding.  When Derek brought several students from kindergarten through grade 5 and their parents to present at a monthly general meeting, the Kinsmen club members were blown away by the children’s presentation. Those little kids stood in front of a crowd of strangers and shared their personal experiences with the program. They talked about how it had already changed their lives at school and at home, how they now approach every part of their lives with a plan, and how they are going to change the world! Derek explained that the program was new to the school district, and did not qualify for school board funding. After further research and discussion, the Lethbridge club decided to donate the more than $4,000 in seed money that the school needed for teacher training and supplies.

What is The Leader in Me?

The Leader in Me program uses the principles from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as a key component of the overall process. The 7 Habits is a synthesis of universal, timeless principles of personal and interpersonal effectiveness, such as responsibility, vision, integrity, teamwork, collaboration and renewal, which are common to all people and cultures. The process teaches students the skills needed for academic success in any setting. These skills include critical thinking, goal setting, listening and speaking, self-directed learning, presentation-making and the ability to work in groups. What does this all mean for the school, the children, and their families? Better community citizens today and better leaders for tomorrow!

Blair Foster, President of the Lethbridge Kinsmen, has been a strong supporter of this program from the beginning, and his belief in it has grown as he’s seen the amazing effects it has on the children: “I feel that it is more important than ever for our society to focus its efforts on developing the attributes of our youth.  These strong positive attributes that teach our youth how to set goals, prioritize, communicate and work together, are life lessons that will continue into their teen years and adulthood.  The key, I feel, of this program is the age range; by implementing it at such a young age, they develop habits that are ingrained in them and become second nature, like adding and subtracting.  In a future where a good portion of the jobs these kids will fill doesn’t even exist right now because technology hasn’t taken us there, The Leader in Me program is a foundation that will prepare these young people to better navigate that world and its varying cultures. ”

Amazing Results

Over the past two years, the Lethbridge Kinsmen have seen a transformation in the absolute fabric of the culture in Derek’s school. So much so, they have now supported the program in another three schools, with donations totaling nearly $20,000 in just two years! But their involvement does not stop there; several times a year, members of the club attend school “assemblies”, and are always honoured guests of the students. They see children taking true leadership roles in their schools. Attendance is up. Discipline and behavioral issues are way down. Children are taking home the things that they learn in the program, and are teaching their parents!

Community’s Greatest Need

The Lethbridge Kinsmen are incredibly proud to be involved in this program. They know that their community is in excellent hands already, and the future is very bright! As Blair puts it, “It is these kids who will come to the Kin Clubs because they genuinely understand the benefits of Service, and care about creating a better community.  Solicitation of membership will become a thing of the past.” One of the community’s greatest needs is leadership, and it is being built today through The Leader in Me program.

Please visit http://www.theleaderinme.org/ for more information about the program, and approach your local schools about bringing The Leader in Me to them!

Timothy D. Frantz, Kinsmen Club of Lethbridge, Deputy Governor Zone “F”, District 4

School TV

School TV: This is the TV at the entrance to the school. They showed this message to all of the visitors and as a welcome to the Kinsmen to an assembly in their honor.




Ryan and Derek

Ryan and Derek: Ryan Cook, Lethbridge Kinsmen (left) and Derek Hoare, school teacher. This is a “before” photo of what the kids were already doing in the program.






Blair and the kids

Blair and the kids: Blair Foster with two 2nd grade children who toured him around the school showing off the program in all of the classrooms







Tim and the kids

Tim and the kids: Timothy Frantz with two 2nd grade children who toured him around the school showing off the program in all of the classrooms







Blair and the treeBlair and the tree: Blair Foster in front of the graphic which shows the core of The Leader in Me program, at the main entrance to the school







Children singing 1 Children singing 2







Children singing;  (both images) The grade 2 class wrote and performed an entire song for the Kinsmen to show their appreciation for their contribution

.Cheque presentation 1 Cheque presentation 2






Cheque presentation:   (both images) Left to right: Timothy Frantz, Blair Foster, Kelsey Nuttall presenting a cheque to Dr Probe school for $5,000.00


Cheque presentation : left to right Timothy Frantz and Blair Foster presenting a cheque to Westminster School for $4000.00